Sunday, January 2, 2011

How to Install Darwin Streaming Server 5.5 on Ubuntu

Darwin Streaming Server, the open source version of Apple’s QuickTime Streaming Server technology that allows you to send streaming media to clients across the Internet using the industry standard RTP and RTSP protocols. Based on the same code base as QuickTime Streaming Server, Darwin Streaming Server provides a high level of customizability and runs on a variety of platforms allowing you to manipulate the code to fit your needs.

  1. Make sure you have installed libc6-dev, linux-libc-dev, gcc and g++. if not follow the below :

    $ sudo apt-get install libc6-dev linux-libc-dev gcc g++

  2. download the source from

  3. Extract the file

tar xzf DarwinStreamingSrvr5.5.5-Linux.tar.gz

  1. create group and users for this streaming server

sudo addgroup --system qtss

sudo adduser --system --no-create-home --ingroup qtss qtss

  1. If you want to change the password of this user then execute the below command. (Not mandatory)

sudo passwd qtss

  1. Enter to “DarwinStreamingSrvr5.5.5-Linux and type:

    sudo ./Install

  2. To verify access the URL http://localhost:1220/

  3. If Server doesn't respond, Run the DSS web server:

    sudo /usr/local/sbin/

  4. Now try step (7), you should be able to see the login page:

  5. Login with the admin user name and password, you will see home page, here you can modify your server settings.

  6. To stream the UGC files, you need to hint them using MP4Box.

    Installing MP4Box :

    $ sudo apt-get install gpac

    Exceute the below command

    $ MP4Box -hint

    access the file via rtsp protocol in browser


12. Done.

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